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Using JHipster in production

JHipster generates a fully production-ready, optimized and secured application. This section describes the more important options - if you are in hurry, run a normal production build, but don't forget to read the security section!

Building a production package

Testing a production build

This allows to test a production build from Maven, without building a real package.

To use JHipster in "production" mode, use the pre-configured prod profile. With Maven, please run:

./mvnw -Pprod

When using Gradle, please run:

./gradlew -Pprod

This profile will compile, test and package your application with all productions settings.

If you want more information on the available profiles, please go the section titled "Development and Production profiles".

Building an executable JAR / WAR file

With Maven

  • To package the application as a "production" JAR, please type:

    ./mvnw -Pprod clean verify

    This will generate a file target/jhipster-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar (if your application is called "jhipster").

  • To package the application as a "production" WAR:

    • Modify the pom.xml to change the application packaging to war like:
    -    <packaging>jar</packaging>
    + <packaging>war</packaging>
    • Modify the pom.xml to change the scope of spring-boot-starter-undertow dependency to provided like:
    + <scope>provided</scope>
    • To generate an executable war along the original war, type command:
    ./mvnw -Pprod clean verify
    • This will generate these files (if your application is called "jhipster"):

      • target/jhipster-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.war
      • target/jhipster-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.war.original

That when building a JAR or WAR file with the prod profile, the generated archive will not include the dev assets.

With Gradle

To package the application as a "production" JAR, please type:

./gradlew -Pprod clean bootJar

This will generate a file build/libs/jhipster-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar (if your application is called "jhipster").

To package the application as a "production" WAR, please type:

./gradlew -Pprod -Pwar clean bootWar

Running in production

Executing the JAR file without an application server

Instead of deploying to an application server, many people find it easier to have a single executable JAR file.

With the JAR file generated in the previous step, you can run it in "production" mode by typing (on Mac OS X or Linux):


If you are on Windows, use:

java -jar jhipster-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar


That this JAR file uses the profile we selected when building it. As it was built using the prod file in the previous section, it will therefore run with the prod profile.

Running the application in a Docker container

JHipster has first-class support for Docker: it bundles your executable JAR file in a Docker image, and run it inside Docker.

To learn how to package your application with Docker, please read our Docker Compose documentation.

Run as a service

It is also possible to run the Jar as a Linux service, and you may want to force in your pom.xml file before packaging. To do it, add the following property inside <configuration> of spring-boot-maven-plugin plugin.


Next, setup your init.d with:

ln -s jhipster-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar /etc/init.d/jhipster

Secure your application with:

chown jhuser:jhuser jhipster-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar sudo chattr +i your-app.jar

Considering jhuser a non-root OS account that will run the application, then the application can be run this way:

service jhipster start|stop|restart

There are many other options that you can find in Spring Boot documentation, including more security steps and Windows service.

Performance optimizations

Cache tuning

If you selected a cache provider when generating your application, it has been automatically configured for you by JHipster.

However, the default cache values are quite low, so the application can run on modest hardware, and as those values should be tuned depending on your application's specific business requirements.

Please read:

HTTP/2 support

JHipster supports HTTP/2 using the jhipster.http.version property, which is configured in the application-prod.yml file.

To enable HTTP/2, you need to:

  • Set jhipster.http.version: V_2_0
  • Configure HTTPS (see this documentation's security section), as browsers force to use HTTPS with HTTP/2


Within an executable JAR file, which uses the prod profile, JHipster configures GZip compression on your Web resources.

By default, compression will work on all static resources (HTML, CSS, JavaScript) and on all REST requests. You can have more information on this configuration by looking at the server.compression.* keys in the Spring Boot application properties, configured in the application-prod.yml file.


That GZipping is done by the application server, so this section only applies if you use the "executable JAR" option described above. If you run your application in an external application server, you will need to configure it separately.

Cache headers

With the prod profile, JHipster configures a Servlet filter that puts specific HTTP cache headers on your static resources (JavaScript, CSS, fonts...) so they are cached by browsers and proxies.

Generating an optimized JavaScript application with Webpack

This step is automatically triggered when you build your project with the prod profile. If you want to run it without launching a Maven build, please run:

npm run build

This will use Webpack to process all your static resources (CSS, TypeScript, HTML, JavaScript, images...) in order to generate an optimized client-side application.

During this process, Webpack will compile the TypeScript code into JavaScript code, and will also generate source maps, so the client-side application can still be debugged.

Those optimized assets will be generated in target/classes/static for Maven or build/resources/main/static for Gradle, and will be included in your final production JAR.

This code will be served when you run the application with the prod profile.


Securing the default user and admin accounts

JHipster comes with some default users generated for you. In production, you should change those default passwords!

Please follow our security documentation to learn how to change those passwords, and secure your application.

HTTPS support

HTTPS can be configured directly in your JHipster application, or using a specific front-end proxy.

HTTPS configuration with JHipster

HTTPS is configured using Spring Security's standard server.ssl configuration keys in your application-prod.yml file.

To enable SSL, generate a certificate using:

keytool -genkey -alias <your-application> -storetype PKCS12 -keyalg RSA -keysize 2048 -keystore keystore.p12 -validity 3650

You can also use Let's Encrypt using this tutorial.

Then, modify the server.ssl properties so your application-prod.yml configuration looks like:

port: 443
key-store: keystore.p12
key-store-password: <your-password>
keyStoreType: PKCS12
keyAlias: <your-application>
enabled-protocols: TLSv1.2

The ciphers suite enforce the security by deactivating some old and deprecated SSL ciphers, this list was tested against SSL Labs

Once server.ssl.ciphers property is enabled JHipster will force the order on Undertow with this property (true by default) : jhipster.http.useUndertowUserCipherSuitesOrder

The enabled-protocols deactivate old SSL protocols.

Then, the final touch for achieving the perfect forward secrecy. Add the following flag at the JVM startup :


For testing your configuration you can go to SSL Labs.

If everything is OK, you will get A+

HTTPS configuration with a front-end proxy

There are many solutions to setup a front-end HTTPS proxy in front of a JHipster application.

One of the most common solution would be to use the Apache HTTP server, you can set it up with Let's Encrypt:

  • Install Apache and Let's Encrypt: apt-get install -y apache2 python-certbot-apache
  • Configure Let's Encrypt: certbot --apache -d <> --agree-tos -m <your-email> --redirect
  • Configure auto-renewal of SSL certificates: add 10 3 * * * /usr/bin/certbot renew --quiet in your crontab

Custom Context Path

You can specify a context path for your Spring Boot backend by passing in a server.servlet.context-path parameter and value:

java -jar jhipster.jar --server.servlet.context-path=/jhipster/

Or, you can add this configuration to application.yml:

context-path: /jhipster/

For frontend bundlers, the context path is a build-time configuration.

Angular frontends can be configured using:

  • angular.json: projects -> * your project name -> architect -> build -> options -> baseHref : '/jhipster/'
  • ng build --base-href '/jhipster/'

For Webpack-based frontends, you can configure using:

  • Webpack configuration file:
new HtmlWebpackPlugin({
base: '/jhipster/'

Others modifications may be necessary, like configuring your development server and adjusting iframes in pages like swagger-ui.


That using a relative base path like ./ is possible, but you must adjust other configurations to be compatible with it.


JHipster comes with full monitoring support from Micrometer.

In development, Metrics data will be available through JMX: launch your JConsole and you will be able to access it

In production, your application expose its metrics data on an endpoint that a Prometheus server can scrape at regular intervals, depending on what you have configured.