Java Hipster!
JHipster is a development platform to quickly generate, develop, and deploy modern web applications & microservice architectures.

JHipster is Open Source, and all development is done on GitHub. If you use JHipster, consider becoming a sponsor or a backer. If you want to code with us, feel free to join! If you like the project, please give us a ⭐️ on GitHub.
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ContributorsLearn JHipster In 15 Minutes
Matt Raible created a screencast that shows how to use JHipster 8 to develop a Spring Boot + Angular application.
What is JHipster?
- JHipster is a development platform to quickly generate, develop, and deploy modern web applications and microservice architectures.
- We support many frontend technologies, including Angular, React, and Vue. We even have mobile app support for Ionic and React Native!
- On the backend, we support Spring Boot (with Java or Kotlin), Micronaut, Quarkus, Node.js, and .NET.
- For deployment, we embrace cloud native principles with Docker and Kubernetes.
- Deployment support exists for AWS, Azure, Google Cloud Platform, Heroku, and OpenShift.
Our goal is to generate a complete and modern web app or microservice architecture, unifying:
Robust server-side stack
A high-performance and robust server-side stack with excellent test coverage
Modern Sleek
A sleek, modern, mobile-first UI with Angular, React or Vue + Bootstrap for CSS
Powerful workflow
A powerful workflow to build your application with Webpack and Maven or Gradle
Resilient architecture
A resilient microservice architecture with cloud native principles in mind
Quickly deploy
Infrastructure as code so you can quickly deploy to the ☁️
Client Side Options

Deployment Options

CI/CD Options

Server Side Options

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Top trending modules and blueprints
You can get started and see all top trending modules and blueprints in the documentation