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Using React (with Redux)

This section refers to the JavaScript library React used with Redux.

Project Structure

The JHipster client code can be found under src/main/webapp, and follows closely the Piotr Witek React style guide.

Please read this guide first if you have any question on our application structure, file names, TypeScript conventions...

For React routes we follow a dash cased naming convention so that the URLs are clean and consistent. When you generate an entity the route names, route URLs and REST API endpoint URLs are generated according to this convention, also entity names are automatically pluralized where required.

Here is the main project structure:

├── app - Your application
│ ├── config - General configuration (redux store, middleware, etc.)
│ ├── entities - Generated entities
│ ├── modules - Main components directory
│ │ ├── account - Account related components
│ │ ├── administration - Administration related components
│ │ ├── home - Application homepage
│ │ └── login - Login related components
│ ├── shared - Shared elements such as your header, footer, reducers, models and util classes
│ ├── app.scss - Your global application stylesheet if you choose the Sass option
│ ├── app.css - Your global application stylesheet
│ ├── app.tsx - The application main class
│ ├── index.tsx - Index script
│ ├── routes.tsx - Application main routes
│ └── typings.d.ts -
├── i18n - Translation files
├── static - Contains your static files such as images and fonts
├── swagger-ui - Swagger UI front-end
├── 404.html - 404 page
├── favicon.ico - Fav icon
├── index.html - Index page
├── manifest.webapp - Application manifest
└── robots.txt - Configuration for bots and Web crawlers

Using the entity sub-generator to create a new entity called Foo generates the following front-end files under src/main/webapp:

├── app
│ └── entities
│ ├── foo - CRUD front-end for the Foo entity
│ │ ├── foo-delete-dialog.tsx - Delete dialog component
│ │ ├── foo-detail.tsx - Detail page component
│ │ ├── foo-dialog.tsx - Creation dialog component
│ │ ├── foo.reducer.ts - Foo entity reducer
│ │ ├── foo.tsx - Entity main component
│ │ └── index.tsx - Entity main routes
│ └── index.tsx - Entities routes
└── i18n - Translation files
├── en - English translations
│ ├── foo.json - English translation of Foo name, fields, ...
└── fr - French translations
└── foo.json - French translation of Foo name, fields, ...

Please note that the default language translations would be based on what you have chosen during app generation. 'en' and 'fr' are shown here only for demonstration.


Redux is a predictable state container for JavaScript. It is used together with React to manage the state of your React components.

Redux provides an object store used to store the whole state of your application. To access this store and therefore update your state components, the only way is to dispatch actions which describe the fact that an update is requested, then the reducers will define how the state is updated in response to these actions.

Here is an example of a reducer:

export const ACTION_TYPES = {

const initialState = {
loading: false,
foos: [],
updateSuccess: false,
updateFailure: false

// Reducer
export default (state = initialState, action) => {
switch (action.type) {
return {
updateSuccess: false,
updateFailure: false,
loading: true
return {
loading: false,
updateSuccess: false,
updateFailure: true
return {
loading: false,
updateSuccess: true,
updateFailure: false,
return state;

In order to access your store and update the current application state, you need to dispatch actions to the store as mentioned previously. Actions are JavaScript objects and must have a type, which describe what the action is going to perform and a usually they have also a payload which corresponds to data you want to pass to the store.

Here is an action to access the store:

const apiUrl = SERVER_API_URL + '/api/foos';

// Action
export const getFoos = () => ({
payload: axios.get(apiUrl)

The action described above indicates that we want to retrieve all the Foo objects by sending a GET request. The action type will match Notice that the export keyword is used to able the connected component to use that action when necessary (for instance, everytime the component is updated).


Jhipster uses the React router to organize the differents parts of your application.

When it comes to routes that require authentication, the PrivateRoute component generated is used. This component will prevent any unauthenticated user from accessing a route.

Here is an example of PrivateRoute usage:

const Routes = () => (
<div className="view-routes">
<Route exact path="/" component={Home} />
<Route path="/login" component={Login} />
<PrivateRoute path="/account" component={Account} />

As you can see, unauthenticated user can access / and /login but accessing /account requires to be logged in.

Please note that PrivateRoute uses the authentication.isAuthenticated store value to know if the user is authenticated.

Notification System

JHipster uses react-toastify alerts for the notification system.

By default JHipster will show success notifications whenever an entity is created/updated/deleted and error notifications when there is an error caught from the response.

React JHipster library

The react-jhipster lib provides utilities and generic services for a generated application. It handles i18n as well.