Setting up Jenkins 1 on Linux Permalink to " Setting up Jenkins 1 on Linux"

The instructions below are for a Red Hat/CentOS server but can be adapted for other Linux distributions.

Installing Jenkins Permalink to "Installing Jenkins"

Follow the instructions from

sudo wget -O /etc/yum.repos.d/jenkins.repo
sudo rpm --import
sudo yum install jenkins

sudo service jenkins start

A jenkins user has been created, its home directory is /var/lib/jenkins

Configuring Jenkins Permalink to "Configuring Jenkins"

Installing JDK 8 Permalink to "Installing JDK 8"

Through Jenkins administration, add a JDK 8 automatic installer.

Installing Maven Permalink to "Installing Maven"

Through Jenkins administration, add a Maven automatic installer from Apache’s site.

Installing NodeJS Permalink to "Installing NodeJS"

You could install NodeJS globally but it’s very likely that you may want to have different versions of NodeJS for different projects.

We suggest 2 alternatives below, choose the one you prefer.

Jenkins NodeJS plugin Permalink to "Jenkins NodeJS plugin"

Install Jenkins NodeJS plugin.

Through Jenkins administration, add a NodeJS installation:

  • Automatic installer from, use the latest LTS (Long Term Support) 64-bit version
  • Global npm packages to install: bower gulp

Local NodeJS installation Permalink to "Local NodeJS installation"

Install NodeJS locally using the script below and then update the Jenkins PATH to use it.

# specify which version we want
export NODE_VERSION=4.3.1

# download
cd /tmp
tar xvfz node-v$NODE_VERSION.tar.gz

# build it and install it only locally
cd node-v$NODE_VERSION
./configure --prefix=/var/lib/jenkins/node-v$NODE_VERSION && make && make install

# Check versions of node and  npm
export PATH=/var/lib/jenkins/node-v$NODE_VERSION/bin:$PATH
node --version
# v4.3.1
npm --version
# 3.7.5

# install tools
npm install -g bower gulp
bower --version
# 1.7.7
gulp --version
# 3.9.1

Make sure you update the Jenkins PATH.