JHipster release v5.0.0-beta.3

This is a specific security release on top of our v5.0.0-beta.2 release from last week, as 2 important security issues have been fixed on Spring Boot 2.0.3.

Please note that Spring Boot 2.0.3 also breaks the way Ehcache works with JHipster: many thanks to Henri Tremblay from the Ehcache team who did an incredible job in fixing the issue during the week-end!

More information on this Spring Boot 2.0.3 upgrade (including the Ehcache issue) is available on #7783.

This BETA version is not available through the usual channels as this is a beta release, please read below for more information!

Do you want to know more?

JHipster 5 will be showcased at the upcoming JHipster Conf where most of the core development team will present their work. Join us in Paris on June, 21st!


As this a beta version, we are using a beta tag on NPM.

To install JHipster v5.0.0-beta.3 using Yarn, please type:

yarn global add generator-jhipster@beta

If you are using NPM:

npm install -g generator-jhipster@beta

It is also available using the JHipster Docker image, as it is automatically built from our source code.

However, as this is a BETA release it will not be available using our other usual channels like:

You also won’t be able to use the jhipster upgrade sub-generator, as it won’t “see” the BETA release, which is distributed through a specific beta channel on NPM.


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如果您发现这个版本的任何问题, 请随时联系我们:
