JHipster release 4.5.0

Introducing the JHipster CLI

This new release has a very important update, that will affect everyone: the JHipster CLI!

This means that instead of typing yo jhipster, you will just type jhipster on the command line.

  • Everybody will gain 3 keystrokes, an important productivity enhancement :-)
  • Most importantly, this allows us to provide autocompletion (only on Mac and Linux), which means you can use the tab key after entering jhipster. As this is the first release, we only provide basic autocompletion for the moment, but you can expect more in the future.

OpenShift support by Red Hat

Please note that this is an official contribution from Red Hat to the project!

Thanks to the incredible work of Srinivasa Vasu, we now have support for deploying JHipster applications to OpenShift. Find more information on our OpenShift documentation page.

Bug fixes and improvements

This release contains 63 closed tickets and Pull Requests:

  • Several annoying bugs have been fixed, like #5786, which makes this a recommended update
  • Lots of unit tests and polishing, giving us an incredible score of 96.2% code coverage on our sample project! Many thanks to Christophe Bornet on this part.
  • Many library upgrades, as usual


一如既往, 你可以在此处查看所有已关闭的工单与已接受合并请求.



在已存在的项目上使用JHipster upgrade sub-generator自动升级:

yo jhipster:upgrade

Please note that with our new JHipster CLI release, the new command will be:

jhipster upgrade


选择手动升级, 需要先升级你的Jhipster版本:

yarn global upgrade generator-jhipster

如果你已经有了一个项目, 将会继续使用当时项目生成的Jhipster版本. 如果需要升级你的项目, 你需要先删除node_modules文件夹再运行:



jhipster --with-entities

你也可以使用实体类子生成器挨个更新你的实体类, 例如你的实体类名字是_Foo_

jhipster entity Foo


如果您发现这个版本的任何问题, 请随时联系我们:
