JHipster release 3.4.1


This is a bug-fix version, with 2 notable changes:

  • The “Upgrade sub-generator” has been modified, please read #3696 before using it! This website has been updated with the latest documentation, be sure to read JHipster upgrade sub-generator before running the sub-generator.
  • We still recommend using a NodeJS LTS (Long Term Support) version, but if you want to live on the bleeding edge, NodeJS 6.x should now work correctly #3663
  • Docker images containing JHipster applications should now be 40% smaller! #3700

Closed tickets

一如既往, you can check all closed tickets here.


For an automatic upgrade, starting with JHipster v3.4.0, use the JHipster upgrade sub-generator on an existing application:

yo jhipster:upgrade

选择手动升级, 需要先升级你的Jhipster版本:

npm update -g generator-jhipster

如果你已经有了一个项目, 将会继续使用当时项目生成的Jhipster版本. 如果需要升级你的项目, 你需要先删除node_modules文件夹再运行:

yo jhipster


yo jhipster --with-entities

你也可以使用实体类子生成器挨个更新你的实体类, 例如你的实体类名字是_Foo_

yo jhipster:entity Foo


如果您发现这个版本的任何问题, 请随时联系我们:
