JHipster release v6.3.0

This release fixes an important security vulnerability:

  • Please read the security advisory here.
  • Are you vulnerable? if you use JWT, session or UAA authentication, and more importantly if you use our system to send a link to reset passwords, then you are affected. The algorithm used isn’t cryptographically secure, which means that an attacker could guess a reset link, and hence take over any account in the system.
  • How to fix the issue you probably don’t need to upgrade JHipster, as this just affects a few generated files, so this can be done manually. The issue is in the generated RandomUtil class. Here is this class in our sample application generated with JHipster v6.2.0 and here is the updated version, using JHipster v6.3.0. So all you need to do is copy the new file, which uses SecureRandom, and replace the older file.
  • How this issue was handled This issue was found by Jonathan Leitschuh, and was fixed in the next couple of hours by Frederik Hahne. Please note that we gave a $500 bug bounty to Jonathan as well as a $300 bug bounty to Frederik. For obvious security reasons, only the JHipster core dev team knew about this issue during that period. We then waited one day in order to inform everyone, including doing an advisory on our Twitter account so that our users are not caught up with a surprise emergency release.
  • What will happen next This is the first time we used the “security advisory” feature from GitHub. We certainly learned a lot, and we will provide in the very near future a clear path to report security advisories to the team.

What’s new in this release

Apart from the security vulnerability, this is a minor release of JHipster v6 with 247 closed tickets and merged pull requests.

Here are the most significant ones:

  • Upgrade to Spring Boot 2.1.8 and Spring Cloud Greenwich SR3
  • All Docker images have been upgraded to their latest versions
  • Migration from Tslint to Eslint (#10187 and #10213). The JHipster ESlint configuration is now externalized in a new repository at https://github.com/jhipster/eslint-config-jhipster #10358
  • Created Jar is now non executable by default #10282
  • Enforce architecture constraints with ArchUnit #10274
  • Add a new Feign Client sub-generator based on OpenAPIGenerator #9548
  • Liquibase can use different credentials than the one in the application (so the running application cannot change the current schema)
  • Add support for Caffeine Cache #10303
  • Enhance Google App Engine generator with Java 11, Jar support and more (#10284 and #10336)
  • Fix the AWS generator monolith flow #10376
  • Fix admin logs screen in Angular jhipster/ng-jhipster#97
  • Fix interactions between main generator and blueprint when one is installed globally and the other locally #10257
  • Fix issues with Istio URLs #10135


一如既往, 您可以在此处查看所有已关闭的工单和合并请求.



在原有的项目上使用 JHipster upgrade sub-generator自动更新:


npm update -g generator-jhipster


jhipster upgrade



npm update -g generator-jhipster

对于已经存在的项目,它仍使用原来生成该项目时的JHipster版本。 要升级项目,必须首先删除其node_modules文件夹,然后运行:



jhipster --with-entities

您还可以通过再次运行entity子生成器(jhipster entity)来逐一更新实体,例如,如果您的实体名为_Foo_,则运行:

jhipster entity Foo


如果您发现这个版本的任何问题, 请随时联系我们:
