JHipster release 2.20.0
JHipster gives you Spring Boot + AngularJS working together in one handy Yeoman generator.
Looking for the (old) JHipster v2.x documentation? It’s Here!
Like last month, this new release was largely done by the new dev team, so kudos to all of you guys!
The new and noteworthy features are:
- Migration to Node-Sass instead of Compass (see #1527 ). This is a big breaking change for people using Compass, for more information here is the Node Sass website, and of course our documentation is already updated.
- Many improvements in the AngularJS side of the entity relationships. You will see new links between entities, which will bring you a much better user experience
- Library updates (Java and JavaScript sides), including for Sonar, SpringFox and Yeoman itself ( #1698 )
- Corrections on the DTO option (with MapStruct), which should go out of beta in the next release
- Many, many minor bugs corrected (83 issues closed in total!)
一如既往, you can check all the closed tickets here.
npm update -g generator-jhipster
yo jhipster
You can also update your entities by running again the entity sub-generator, for example if your entity is named Foo
yo jhipster:entity Foo
如果您发现这个版本的任何问题, 请随时联系我们:
- 在推特上联系@jhipster
- 在我们的bug tracker添加一个缺陷报告
- 在Stack Overflow提交问题