JHipster release 0.16.0 パーマリンク to "JHipster release 0.16.0"
JHipster gives you Yeoman + Maven + Spring + AngularJS all working together in one handy generator.
What’s new パーマリンク to "What’s new"
JHipster 0.16.0 comes with one new major feature: Gradle support! This will generate a Gradle configuration, which should work the same as our usual Maven build. But, of course, it is more flexible, more powerful, and more hype!
In case you were wondering: yes, you can use Gradle OR Maven on the backend, and Grunt OR Gulp.js on the frontend. All 4 combinations should work the same!
And of course we have several bugfixes and improvements, which are listed here
How to upgrade パーマリンク to "How to upgrade"
Update your version of JHipster with:
npm update -g generator-jhipster
And then you can update your project when you run again
yo jhipster
Help and bugs パーマリンク to "Help and bugs"
If you find any issue with this release, don’t hesitate to:
- Contact @jhipster on Twitter
- Add a bug on our bug tracker
- Post a question on Stack Overflow