Deploying to Clever Cloud
Clever cloud is an IT Automation platform
Before you start
You must install the Clever cloud CLI.
You must also create a Clever Cloud account and log in with the CLI by running the following command clever login
Opening in your browser to log you in… Login successful as ...
Create your Clever Cloud application
If you are using maven
clever create --type maven [your application name]
or using gradleclever create --type gradle [your application name]
Add a database addon to your application
clever addon create [addon provider] [your addon name] --link [your application name]
List supported addon providers
clever addon providers
cellar-addon Cellar S3 storage S3-like online file storage web service config-provider Configuration provider Expose configuration to your applications (via environment variables) es-addon Elastic Stack Elasticsearch with Kibana and APM server as options fs-bucket FS Buckets Persistent file system for your application mongodb-addon MongoDB A noSQL document-oriented database mysql-addon MySQL An open source relational database management system postgresql-addon PostgreSQL A powerful, open source object-relational database system redis-addon Redis Redis by Clever Cloud is an in-memory key-value data store, powered by Clever Cloud
Setup env var
clever env set CC_PRE_RUN_HOOK "cp ./clevercloud/application-clevercloud.yml ./application-prod.yml"
Enable dedicated build
clever scale --build-flavor M
Configure your JHipster application
Add a
folder in your project. -
for using predefined clever cloud addon env varFor PostgreSQL
spring: datasource: type: com.zaxxer.hikari.HikariDataSource url: jdbc:postgresql://${POSTGRESQL_ADDON_HOST}:${POSTGRESQL_ADDON_PORT}/${POSTGRESQL_ADDON_DB}?useUnicode=true&characterEncoding=utf8&useSSL=false username: ${POSTGRESQL_ADDON_USER} password: ${POSTGRESQL_ADDON_PASSWORD} hikari: maximumPoolSize: 2
spring: datasource: type: com.zaxxer.hikari.HikariDataSource url: jdbc:mysql://${MYSQL_ADDON_HOST}:${MYSQL_ADDON_PORT}/${MYSQL_ADDON_DB}?useUnicode=true&characterEncoding=utf8&useSSL=false username: ${MYSQL_ADDON_USER} password: ${MYSQL_ADDON_PASSWORD} hikari: maximumPoolSize: 2
For MongoDB
spring: data: mongodb: uri: ${MONGODB_ADDON_URI} database: ${MONGODB_ADDON_DB}
add a json file that contain the goal field to indicate how to start your application
For maven create
file and using your pom.xml artifactId{ "build": { "type": "maven", "goal": "-Pprod package -DskipTests" }, "deploy": { "jarName": "./target/[REPLACE BY ARTIFACTID]-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar" } }
For gradle create
file and using{ "build": { "type": "gradle", "goal": "-Pprod bootJar -x test" }, "deploy": { "jarName": "./build/libs/[REPLACE BY]-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar" } }
Deploy your application
Using CLI
You must commit before deploy
git commit -m "Clever deploy"
then run :
clever deploy
Using gitlab CI
to gitlab CI/CD environment variables
add this stage to your .gitlab-ci.yml
deploy-to-clever-env: stage: deploy variables: APP_NAME: [clever cloud app name] APP_ID: [clever cloud app id] script: - wget - tar xvzf clever-tools-latest_linux.tar.gz - ./clever-tools-latest_linux/clever login --token $CLEVER_TOKEN --secret $CLEVER_SECRET - ./clever-tools-latest_linux/clever link ${APP_ID} - ./clever-tools-latest_linux/clever deploy -a ${APP_NAME} environment: name: [env name] url: https://${APP_NAME}
Changing the Java version
You can select the Java version (Java 11 by default)
clever env set CC_JAVA_VERSION 12