Creating a blueprint
A JHipster blueprint is a Yeoman generator that is composed from a specific JHipster sub-generator to extend the functionality of that sub-generator. The blueprint can override any defined getter of the sub generator and provide its own templates and functionality.
JHipster blueprints are listed on the JHipster marketplace with the jhipster-blueprint
This allows to create third-party blueprints that can override a specific part of JHipster, say for example only the client side templates.
Using a blueprint
To use a blueprint, run the below command
jhipster --blueprint <blueprint name>
The JHipster Kotlin blueprint replaces most of the server side Java code with equivalent Kotlin code.
It is our official blueprint that showcases how you can create your own blueprint.
The JHipster Sample Blueprint shows how a client sub-generator can be overridden.
Or, you can use the JHipster blueprint generator to help you to initialize your blueprint.
To use the JHipster blueprint generator run the following commands
npm install -g generator-jhipster-blueprint
mkdir my-blueprint && cd my-blueprint
yo jhipster-blueprint
Choose the sub-generators that you would like to override while answering the questions.
Basic rules for a JHipster blueprint
A JHipster blueprint:
- is an NPM package, and is a Yeoman generator.
- follows an extension of the Yeoman rules listed at and can be installed, used and updated using the
command. Instead of being prefixed bygenerator-
, it is prefixed bygenerator-jhipster-
, and instead of having just theyeoman-generator
keyword, it must have 2 keywords,yeoman-generator
. - A blueprint can only extend the following sub-generators (under the generators folder)
- common
- client
- server
- entity
- entity-client
- entity-server
- entity-i18n
- languages
- spring-controller
- spring-service
Import the generator-jhipster
A JHipster blueprint must have generator-jhipster as a dependency and should import the appropriate sub generator to override it.
const chalk = require('chalk');
const ClientGenerator = require('generator-jhipster/generators/client');
module.exports = class extends ClientGenerator {
constructor(args, opts) {
super(args, Object.assign({ fromBlueprint: true }, opts)); // fromBlueprint variable is important
const jhContext = this.jhipsterContext = this.options.jhipsterContext;
if (!jhContext) {
this.error(`This is a JHipster blueprint and should be used only like ${chalk.yellow('jhipster --blueprint helloworld')}`);
this.configOptions = jhContext.configOptions || {};
// This sets up options for this sub generator and is being reused from JHipster
jhContext.setupClientOptions(this, jhContext);
get initializing() {
// Here we are not overriding this phase and hence its being handled by JHipster
return super._initializing();
// other phases of the sub generator
Any method beginning with _
can be reused from the superclass that is being extended, for example ClientGenerator
in the example above.
Each JHipster sub-generator is made of multiple yeoman phases, each phase is a getter, get initializing
for example. A blueprint can customize one or more phases of the sub-generator that it is overriding.
There are multiple ways to customize a phase from JHipster.
1) Let JHipster handle a phase, blueprint doesnt override anything.
get initializing() {
return super._initializing();
2) Override the entire phase, this is when the blueprint takes control of a phase.
get initializing() {
return {
myCustomInitPhaseStep() {
// Do all your stuff here
// Do all your stuff here
3) Partially override a phase, this is when the blueprint gets the phase from JHipster and customizes it.
get initializing() {
const phaseFromJHipster = super._initializing();
const myCustomPhaseSteps = {
displayLogo() {
// override the displayLogo method from the _initializing phase of JHipster
myCustomInitPhaseStep() {
// Do all your stuff here
return Object.assign(phaseFromJHipster, myCustomPhaseSteps);
4) Decorate a phase, this is when the blueprint runs custom steps before or after the phase coming from JHipster.
// Run the blueprint steps before and/or after any parent steps
get initializing() {
const customPrePhaseSteps = {
myCustomPreInitStep() {
// Stuff to do BEFORE the JHipster steps
const customPostPhaseSteps = {
myCustomPostInitStep() {
// Stuff to do AFTER the JHipster steps
return {
You can also access to JHipster’s variables and functions directly from a Blueprint.
Available variables and functions
Variables from configuration:
You can access to configuration in .yo-rc.json
which will consist of both the JHipster config and your blueprint config.
Global variables:
You can use constants in generator-constants:
const javaDir = `${jhipsterConstants.SERVER_MAIN_SRC_DIR + this.packageFolder}/`;
const resourceDir = jhipsterConstants.SERVER_MAIN_RES_DIR;
const webappDir = jhipsterConstants.CLIENT_MAIN_SRC_DIR;
You can use all functions in generator-base:
this.angularAppName = this.getAngularAppName(); // get the Angular application name.
this.printJHipsterLogo(); // to print the JHipster logo
Note: The functions in generator-base.js
and variables in generator-constants.js
are part of public API and hence will follow semver versioning. But other files like generator-base-private.js
, utils.js
etc will not follow semver versioning and might break method signature across minor versions.
Running local Blueprint version for development
During development of blueprint, please note the below steps. they are very important.
- Link your blueprint globally
Note: If you do not want to link the blueprint(step 3) to each project being created, use NPM instead of Yarn as yeoman doesn’t seem to fetch globally linked Yarn modules. On the other hand, this means you have to use NPM in all the below steps as well.
cd generator-jhipster-my-blueprint
npm link
- Link a development version of JHipster to your blueprint (optional: required only if you want to use a non-released JHipster version, like the main branch or your own custom fork)
cd generator-jhipster
npm link
cd generator-jhipster-my-blueprint
npm link generator-jhipster
- Create a new folder for the app to be generated, and run JHipster ignoring JHipster dependencies (otherwise a released version will be installed each time npm install/ci is called)
mkdir my-app && cd my-app
jhipster --blueprints my-blueprint --skip-jhipster-dependencies
- Once the blueprint/generator-jhipster was released re-add the jhipster dependencies for reproducibility
jhipster --no-skip-jhipster-dependencies
Registering a blueprint to the JHipster marketplace
To have your blueprint available in the JHipster marketplace, you need to make sure you have the two keyword yeoman-generator
and jhipster-blueprint
in your published npm package.json
If you find any entry in the marketplace which is not a JHipster module or blueprint, you can help to blacklist it by adding it to the blacklistedModules
section of the modules-config.json file by doing a Pull Request to the jhipster/ project.
Once you publish your blueprint to NPM, your blueprint will become available in our marketplace.