Those companies help us to develop JHipster
- Ippon Technologies, which provides time and hardware to @juliendubois so he can improve the project
- JetBrains, which provides us free licences for the incredible IntelliJ IDEA, ultimate edition. A true hipster would never code with Eclipse :-)
- Pivotal, which gives us free credits on their Pivotal Web Services cloud
- ElephantSQL, which gives us several of their “Pretty Panda” Postgresql databases
- YourKit, LLC, which gives us free licences for the YourKit Java profiler
- EJ Technologies, which gives us free licences for the JProfiler Java profiler
And a very special thanks to the development team from Galeries Lafayette, which had the original idea of making Grunt work with Ant, and create a modern Web front-end on top of a more classical Spring MVC application.