JHipster is developed by a team of people around the world. We have a lot of contributors (top 100 list here), but members of the core team are listed here.
If you want to join the team, or just see how we work, our community rules are at the end of this page.
Project leads
Board of developers
Mathieu Abou-Aichi
Pierre Besson
Christophe Bornet
Serano Colameo
Christopher Dionisio
Daniel Franco
Alexandre Gaspard-Cilia
Zsombor Gegesy
Pascal Grimaud
Frederik Hahne
Erik Kemperman
Sendil Kumar N
Joe Kutner
William Marques
Gaël Marziou
Matt Raible
Jon Ruddell
David Steiman
Ray Tsang
Srinivasa Vasu
Retired members of the board of developers
Flavien Cathala
Victor Da Silva
Jérôme Mirc
Anders Steiner
Where does the development team work?
We do most of our work on the project’s GitHub page.
Internal team discussions happen in the following channels :
Those discussion channels are publicly viewable, as everything we do in JHipster is public, but only the board of developers can participate. The mailing list archives can be found on the Google groups page and the chat archives are available on Gitter.
How to join the board of developers?
- Participate regularly in the project (commits, PRs, etc)
- Ask someone from the current board, with some bio and background information, and that person will submit a vote on the dev mailing list
- Everybody on the dev mailing list can vote (+1 if they agree, -1 if they don’t)
- Just one “-1” vote will reject the new member, but the person who votes “-1” will need to explain why
What do people in the board of developers gain?
- Write access to the main repository, and to most of the projects under the JHipster organization.
- Costs associated with the project (for example travel costs to come to a JHipster conference) can be paid by our OpenCollective account. This depends on the money available on the account, and this is decided and validated by the project leads.
- Free licenses and free quotas that the project regularly gets from friendly companies.
Who are the “retired members of the board of developers”?
JHipster is an Open Source project, we don’t ask anything from our members: they can leave the project or stop contributing at any time. But as members of the board have more rights than other people (including write access to the project), we need them to be active.
Board members will therefore become “retired” if:
- They tell us they want to leave the project
- They don’t contribute to the project for more than 1 year
“Retired” member can become active members again, if they contribute back to the project and get elected again. They will of course have an advantage over other contributors, as they already know the team.