JHipster is developed by a team of people around the world. We have a lot of contributors (full list here), but members of the core team are listed here.
Project leads
Board of developers
Pierre Besson
Christophe Bornet
Zsombor Gegesy
Pascal Grimaud
Frederik Hahne
William Marques
Gaël Marziou
Thibaut Mottet
Matt Raible
Deepu K Sasidharan
Anders Steiner
Where does the development team work?
We do most of our work on the project’s Github page.
We also have our own mailing list: it is publicly viewable, as everything we do in JHipster is public, but only the board of developers can send e-mails to the list. It is available here.
How to join the board of developers?
- Participate regularly in the project (commits, PRs, etc)
- Ask someone from the current board, with some bio and background information, and he will submit a vote on the dev mailing list
- Everybody on the dev mailing list can vote (+1 if they agree, -1 if they don’t)
- Just one “-1” vote will reject the new member, but the person who votes “-1” will need to explain why