Allowing Common Web Fonts in Security Configuration Permalink to "Allowing Common Web Fonts in Security Configuration"

Tip submitted by @dinu0000

When developing a JHipster web application, you might encounter issues with web fonts not loading properly due to security configurations. To allow common web fonts to load seamlessly, follow these steps:

In your file, update the filterChain method to permit requests for web fonts:

public SecurityFilterChain filterChain(HttpSecurity http) throws Exception {
    // ...
        // other configurations
        .authorizeHttpRequests(authz ->
                .requestMatchers("/", "/index.html", "/*.js", "/*.map", "/*.css").permitAll()
                .requestMatchers("/*.ico", "/*.png", "/*.svg", "/*.webapp").permitAll()
                .requestMatchers("/*.ico", "/*.png", "/*.svg", "/*.webapp", "/*.woff", "/*.woff2", "/*.ttf", "/*.otf").permitAll() // add common web font extensions here 
                // ... other configurations

With these adjustments, your JHipster app’s security configuration will allow the loading of common web fonts without encountering security restrictions.