JHipster Domain Language (JDL) - Relationships
Relationship types
Mentioned after the relationship
There are four relationship types:
To know more about relationships and what’s possible to achieve, you can head to the dedicated page.
A note on plural names: JHipster handles them so that you don’t have to in your relationships.
Relationship methods
Mentioned after the source and destination entity, used with the with
Supported methods:
is used for the association (applicable only for OneToOne)
Multiple relationship bodies
If you’re tired of having n relationships of the same type in your JDL file, don’t worry! There’s a solution.
Take this JDL sample for instance:
relationship OneToOne {
A to B
relationship OneToOne {
B to C
relationship OneToOne {
C to D
relationship OneToOne {
D to A
The solution consists in having every relationship body inside on relationship declaration, like this:
relationship OneToOne {
A to B,
B to C,
C to D,
D to A
This syntax is really useful when:
- You have lots of relationships of the same type,
- You want to know what the relationships are,
- You don’t want to waste time looking for them in your JDL file(s)
Relationship declaration is done as follows:
relationship (OneToMany | ManyToOne | OneToOne | ManyToMany) {
<from entity>[{<relationship name>[(<display field>)]}] to <to entity>[{<relationship name>[(<display field>)]}]+
(OneToMany | ManyToOne| OneToOne | ManyToMany)
is the type of your relationship,<from entity>
is the name of the entity owner of the relationship: the source,<to entity>
is the name of the entity where the relationship goes to: the destination,<relationship name>
is the name of the field having the other end as type,<display field>
is the name of the field that should show up in select boxes (default:id
whether the injected field is required.with jpaDerivedIdentifier
is used for the association (applicable only for one-to-one)- And you can have more than one relationship body
- See the Multiple relationship bodies section for more info!
Basic example
relationship OneToOne {
A to B
Note that this example is the same as:
relationship OneToOne {
A{b} to B{a}
Not specifying an injected field is the short form of having a bidirectional relationship.
Another example:
relationship OneToOne {
A{b} to B
This will generate a unidirectional relationship. You can only find entity B through entity A, but you cannot find entity A through entity B.
With injected fields
relationship ManyToMany {
A{b} to B{a}
This is a bidirectional relationship, meaning that both entities will be generated with an “instance” of the other entity.
With methods
relationship OneToOne {
A to B with jpaDerivedIdentifier
With required sides
Used to make at least one relationship side required.
relationship ManyToMany {
A{b required} to B{a}
// or
relationship ManyToMany {
A{b} to B{a required}
relationship ManyToMany {
A{b(name) required} to B{a required}
Reflexive relationships
A reflexive relationship is a relationship whose source & destination entities are the same.
relationship ManyToMany {
A{parent} to A{child}
A note on required reflexive relationships
As noted here, required relationships to the same entity are not supported. The issue is that a child must always have a parent, which in turn must have one too, etc. A possible workaround is to have explicit root and children entities.
Adding comments for relationships is possible:
relationship OneToOne {
/** This comment will be put before b in entity A*/
/** This comment will be put before a in entity B*/
The same commenting rules are applied here. These comments will later be added as Javadoc comments by JHipster. The JDL possesses its own kind of comment:
- // an ignored comment
- /** not an ignored comment */
Therefore, anything that starts with //
is considered an internal comment for JDL, and will not be counted as Javadoc.
Please note that the JDL Studio directives that start with #
will be ignored during parsing.