Docker Hub
JHipster has its own organization at Docker Hub and provides different Docker images.
The jhipster-docker-hub project provides all docker-compose files to launch these images. To use the docker-compose commands, you have to:
- clone the project:
git clone
- go inside project:
cd jhipster-docker-hub
will differ. On Linux, it will be localhost
For Mac/Windows, you will have to obtain the IP using following command: docker-machine ip default
jhipster/jhipster : an alternative installation of JHipster
See the installation page for full instructions.
These following commands can be used in specific use cases.
Use the latest release of JHipster
Launch jhipster
in the current folder, with the latest release
docker container run --rm -it -v "$PWD":/home/jhipster/app jhipster/jhipster jhipster
Use JHipster v3.0.0
Launch jhipster
in the current folder, with an older release:
docker container run --rm -it -v "$PWD":/home/jhipster/app jhipster/jhipster:v3.0.0 jhipster
You can see all tags available here
jhipster/jdl-studio : JDL-Studio offline
You can use JDL-Studio offline and access to it at http://localhost:18080
docker container run -d -p 18080:80 jhipster/jdl-studio
It is a sample application with H2 or MySQL.
Quick launch
Run a jhipster application directly with Docker, in development profile
docker container run -d -p 8080:8080 -e SPRING_PROFILES_ACTIVE=dev jhipster/jhipster-sample-app
Then, you can access to the application at http://localhost:8080
Development profile
Run the application in development profile
docker-compose -f jhipster-sample-app/dev.yml up
Production profile
Run the application in production profile, with MySQL database
docker-compose -f jhipster-sample-app/prod.yml up
Production profile and monitoring with ELK stack
Run the application in production profile, with MySQL database and ELK stack
docker-compose -f jhipster-sample-app/prod-elk.yml up
Access to the running application at http://localhost:8080
Access to the Kibana dashboard at http://localhost:5601
It is a sample application with MySQL and Elasticsearch.
Development profile
Run the application in development profile
docker-compose -f jhipster-sample-app-elasticsearch/dev.yml up
Production profile
Run the application in production profile, with MySQL database and Elasticsearch
docker-compose -f jhipster-sample-app-elasticsearch/prod.yml up
It is a sample application with MongoDB.
Production profile
Run the application in production profile, with MongoDB database
docker-compose -f jhipster-sample-app-mongodb/prod.yml up
It is a sample application with a Cassandra cluster.
Production profile
Run the application in production profile, with Cassandra cluster
docker-compose -f jhipster-sample-app-cassandra/prod.yml up
Scale a Cassandra node
docker-compose -f jhipster-sample-app-cassandra/prod.yml scale sample-cassandra-node=2
Microservices architecture
The images used here are:
- jhipster/jhipster-registry
- jhipster/jhipster-sample-app-gateway
- jhipster/jhipster-sample-app-microservice
Production profile
Run the full stack in production profile
docker-compose -f jhipster-sample-microservices/prod/prod.yml up
It will start:
- the JHipster Registry
- the gateway
- a MySQL database
- the microservice
- a PostgreSQL database
Scale the microservice
docker-compose -f jhipster-sample-microservices/prod/prod.yml scale jhipstersamplemicroservice-app=2
Production profile and monitoring with ELK stack
Run the full stack in production profile, with ELK stack
docker-compose -f jhipster-sample-microservices/prod-elk/prod-elk.yml up
Scale the microservice
docker-compose -f jhipster-sample-microservices/prod-elk/prod-elk.yml scale jhipstersamplemicroservice-app=2
Access to the registry at: http://localhost:8761
Access to the gateway at: http://localhost:8080
Access to the Kibana dashboard at: http://localhost:5601